Essay tips to guide you along the way

Useful pointers that will make your work easier, and help you spend less time worrying and more time working on the paper until you make it as awesome as you have always imagined your work could be.

10 little-known hints for writing a good essay


Before starting to write an essay make sure that you familiarized yourself with the topic enough. Read few articles before, talk to your professor and even your friends who may give you good ideas or some additional information on the topic. A common mistake of many students is a lack of information and background knowledge related to the topic researched.

Think of added value

The first questions you should ask yourself before starting to write a paper is about the goals. Why are you doing it? What is the added value of your research? Even if you are writing a paper just in order to get a grade and forget about it think of why this topic is relevant and important. Remember that you are going to spend at least few hours on writing a paper and if you do not convince yourself that it is important it will be much harder to focus and write a good paper.

Ask questions

When you finally thought of the topic and did a small research on it find the questions which may be the most interesting for you to answer. Sometimes you get a question or questions from your professor and it makes your life easier. However, most of the time questions need to be posed by students. Remember that your question has to be clear and precise. Do not pose too broad or complicated questions since you are limited by the word count and the scope of the assignment. It is also recommended to consult with your professor before formulating questions.

Avoid mistakes

This piece of advice may sound very simple however, an essay full of grammatical or lexical mistakes are very hard to read. Bad grammar demonstrates your level of language knowledge and may substantially lower your grade.

Clear structure

The first thing you notice when opening an article or book is a plan. It helps you to understand what particular information you can get from reading a paper. Do not make a plan after writing a paper. Think of your structure before starting writing an introduction and write it down. Do not forget that a proper paper always consists of an introduction, main part and a conclusion.

Collecting data

For some students this part is the most complicated and time-consuming. However, there are few ways how you can make your like easier. Firstly, do not waste too much time in libraries. Even though professors recommend to use reputable books and monographs and use library for these purposes you can access almost everything online. There are lots of websites which host published books and monographs in scanned formats and they can easily be accessed by using your University`s login.

Selecting methods

Since you are not writing a dissertation methodology is not of high importance. However, think of how you are going to present your collected data. Will you use only discourse analysis? Or maybe it makes sense to apply some statistical methods? Feel free to choose any methodology you like and mention it in your research.


Even though it looks like a minor issue some professors reduce grades for using formatting wrongly. Select a format which you like most and follow its style.

Catchy headline

A good paper should make a reader interested from the first lines. Think of an interesting thought-provoking headline. Consider asking a question right from the beginning.


Probably the most important part of your essay. Majority of people do not read full texts but focus on conclusions. Same strategy is often used by professional writers from Make sure that your conclusion is comprehensive and convincing.

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